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The Cobain Autopsy Report
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Kurt Cobain's 1994 Death Investigation.

The following pages contain documented evidence to establish that today's Seattle authorities are duty bound to change Kurt Cobain's official cause of death.

The first step in reaching our goal here is to have the findings in Kurt Cobain's death changed from...

To keep this simple, we're going to concentrate on a list of the official public statements and written reports that have been released by the Seattle Police Department and the King County Medical Examiner's office.

An honest evaluation of this material makes it virtually impossible for skeptics to effectively refute facts that have been provided to the general public.

Other than a brief mention of Courtney Love's filing of the missing person's report, her name is irrelevant for the purpose of listing these major issues of negligence, cover-up, and destruction of evidence by the 1994 Seattle authorities.

I'm avoiding the use of YouTube embedded videos here. My YouTube channel is scrutinized more than most. I won't risk having the You Tube videos I could have embedded here, shown as "Not Available."

If You Tube censors were to take down my channel, it would have little effect on this website. Long time followers of our work have already seen most of those video files. At least for now, most are still available for viewing on my You Tube channel along with other channels owned by various moderators.

I think that you'll find the audio files on this page sufficiently represents the material here, without the accompanying YT videos that I will maintain in my computer for future reference if needed.


The Setup
This was the police report the media claimed was filed by Kurt's mother, Wendy O'Conner. But Courtney Love has admitted she was the actual person who called this report into the Seattle Police Department on April 4, 1994.

Note:The black redactions on all official reports were made by the Seattle police department.

SPD - Missing Persons Report

Courtney Re: MP Report:

The presumptuous police statement that started it all

Approaching the Media

This photo shows Seattle Police Department's Spokesperson, Vinette Tishi, leaving the crime scene, (greenhouse), soon after Cobain's body was found.

She accompanied Medical Examiner Dr. Donald Reay as they walked down the driveway together to where the press had congregated at the entrance to the driveway.

The Press Conference

This clip proves that on the morning of April 8, 1994, shortly after Cobain was found, SPD's Vinette Tishi, told the press, "It was obvious this man is dead from a shotgun wound to the head..." then she added, unequivocally, "Now there was a suicide note left inside the, then house."

"Suicide" note left in the house."

As the spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department, Vinette Tishi should not have mentioned anything about a note at all. She had to know what finding "a note" would imply. The fact is, the so-called "suicide note," as Ms. Vinette called it, was nothing more than a "note" - period. It said nothing about suicide or about Kurt's desire to kill himself.

This hurried, inaccurate statement from the SPD spokesperson created a national and international press frenzy.

"Kurt Cobain committed suicide!" the media immediately reported.

She let the cat out of the bag before any real investigation could possibly have been completed.

There would be no turning back now!


Initial Handling of the Death Scene

First SPD Report Pg 1

This is the report filed by the first SPD officer to arrive at the scene of Kurt Cobain's death. He was in uniform and working in a black and white patrol unit that morning.

Three additional police supervisor's arrived at the scene taking pictures of a very famous dead person, before the homicide detectives even got there. The blue circles represent each person who entered the room with Cobain's body. There will be several more before the homicide unit arrives as you'll see in the next report.

Murders staged to look like suicides occur around this country and around the world every year Patrol officers aren't trained in homicide or dead body investigations. In most cases, neither are their supervisors. Large cities, like Seattle, normally train their officers to simply contain the scene until a trained and experienced homicide unit arrives. This is not what happened here.

*Also arriving on the scene - prior to the homicide detectives - was Charles Pelly, referred to in the redacted, (blacked out) portion of this report near the bottom. Mr. Pelly was the owner of the Alarm Company who I had spoken with prior to my entry into the Cobain residence late Wednesday night, the 6th of April.

I also met and interviewed Mr. Pelly when I returned to Seattle the following week. The information he provided soon became valuable to my investigation.

First SPD Report Pg 2

This continuation page, once again, illustrates the immediate conclusion of suicide reached by the first officer on the scene. He writes, "The note was apparently written by Cobain to his wife and daughter explaining why he had killed himself."

This officer's observations should only have included that he observed "a note," period.. It was not his job to decipher its meaning or purpose.


Homicide Detectives Concluded "Suicide" On Day #1

After being advised by dispatch that the first arriving officers were, "on the scene of a suicide," Seattle police Homicide Detectives arrived to take over.

As you can see by their own report, they concluded Cobain's death was a "suicide" that same day.

In addition, we now see that at least 12 people were or had been walking around a newly discovered dead body, disturbing what might be vital evidence within that 19' by 22' room above Cobain's garage.

SPD Homicide Report
Same Date Conclusion

Then, as if they hadn't done enough to instantly declare "suicide," they refer to a note found at the scene and immediately labeled it as "a suicide note" directed to his wife.

SPD Report-Same Date (cont)


The So-Called "Suicide" Note

Copy Of "The Note"

After reading this note for the first time, naturally my first question was, "Did Kurt write this"? It took some time to be sure, but within the first two months after his death, I concluded that he did write the main body of this note, however, the last few lines, after he signed the note, appear to have been added, possibly by someone else.

To be clear, I have very little confidence in the accuracy of what any document examiner might conclude when determining the person or personality of the writer of any document.

Handwriting analysis in not an exact science. Different handwriting experts often have different opinions on who wrote specific documents or letters. In fact they are often hired separately by both sides of a criminal or civil case where their testimony nulifies each other's expert opinions. One "expert" disagreeing with another "expert." A standard trial tactic used by both sides of the case.


I believe Kurt did write the body of this note. I also believe we could prove in a court of law that the lines beginning with, "which will be so much happier without me, I love you , I love you," were written at a different time, possibly by a different hand, but definitely with less pressure pushing down on the pen.

But no matter what anyone believes regarding the writer, it is very clear that the main body of this letter was written to Kurt Cobain's fans, not to his wife.

The idea of anyone automatically referring to this note as a "Suicide" note is ludicrous.


The Cover-up by Seattle Police

CBS Television's
"Unsolved Mysteries" - 1997

Investigated on the premise that this was a homicide?

This is a cut from a televised interview with a Seattle Police Department spokesperson regarding the death of Kurt Cobain. It first aired on "Unsolved Mysteries" in 1997. As of November of 2023, the Cobain case segment is still streaming on various online networks.

This segment tied with one other segment for their highest Nielsen rated show during the entire 8 year run of "Unsolved Mysteries."

"Investigated as a possible homicide"

In this SPD report we see that the shotgun used in the death of Kurt Cobain was not even processed for fingerprints until May 6, 1994, nearly one month after Cobain's body was found!

Shotgun Print Results

What About The Shell Casings?
What About The Pen?

In this SPD report we see that the pre-loaded and expended shell casings were not processed for fingerprints until January 13, 1997, nearly three years after Cobain's body was found!

Shell Casings and Pen Print Reports

These reports are additional proof that Cobain's death was not, "investigated on the premise that this was a homicide" as the Seattle Police spokesman deliberately misrepresented to the public.


Cover-up by the Deputy Medical Examiner

The Death Certificate

Before we begin discussing the issues related the late Deputy Medical Examiner, Dr. Nicholas Hartshorne, keep in mind that he was just 31 years of age on April 8, 1994. A relatively new doctor when he arrived at the Cobain residence to handle one of the most notable celebrity deaths of our time.

Problem A
Dr. Hartshorne certifies cause of death BEFORE
the toxicology report is available!

An official Seattle Police report displayed at the end of this page publicly certifies the blood morphine level to have been 1.52 mgs. per liter of blood in Cobain's system when he died.

Now this large dose of heroin documented by the Seattle police, as you will later hear and see, was reported to be a "fatal dose" of black tar heroin."

But the issue, for now, is not the amount of heroin in Cobain's blood system. Our leading concern, under "Issue #7 " is that the results of the toxicology report could not have been known by Dr. Hartshorne before he signed off on Kurt Cobain's death certificate, labeling the cause of death as "Suicide" just one day after Cobain's body was found!

In fact, two months after Kurt Cobain was found dead, the body of Kristen Pfaff, bass player for the band "Hole", was found in her bathtub. She allegedly died from an accidental overdose of heroin. It should be noted that the SPD homicide investigators as well as the Deputy Medical Examiner, Dr. Hartshorne, were the same Seattle authorities who handled the death scenes of both Kurt Cobain and Kristen Pfaff.

On June 18, 1994, the L.A. Times wrote, "The body of Pfaff, 27, was found in her bathtub by a friend. ... a nearby purse contained syringes and other drug paraphernalia. ...the King County coroner [Medical Examiner] said that no cause of death had been determined, pending results of toxicology tests, which are expected in four to six weeks."

Dr. Hartshorne, did not wait "four to six weeks" for the toxicology results before a determination was made in the case of Kurt Cobain's death. In fact, he didn't wait at all. The autopsy was finished and the death certificate signed off within 24 hours of the discovery of Cobain's body.

Dr. Cyril Wecht Refutes Dr. Hartshorne

I met Dr. Cyril Wecht at an event in Pittsburgh in 2018 where we were seated next to each other at a table. As we spoke with each other that evening, I asked him if it was possibly for the King County Medical Examiner's office to have received the results of the toxicology report within one or even two days after Cobain's body was found.

"No," Dr. Wecht replied. "They may have been able to discover, very soon, that Kurt Cobain had heroin in his blood system during the autopsy. But, receiving the figure indicating the amount of the blood level from the crime lab within a couple of days after his body was found - there's just no way!" he told me, then added, "And you can quote me on that."

As we parted ways later that evening, Dr. Wecht handed me his business card and asked me to email him so we could "keep in touch."

I'll have more to say later about my meeting that evening with Dr. Wecht and his wife, Ingrid.

Problem B
The most vital piece of evidence was destroyed!

The Death Certificate indicates that Hartshorne released Cobain's body to the funeral home where it was allowed to be cremated just (6) days after he was found and prior to receipt of the toxicology report.

This legally permitted the destruction of evidence in a so called homicide investigation, before the possibility of a closer and more thorough examination of the most important item of evidence in this case, Kurt Cobain's body.



Cobain's death described as a "Classic - Textbook" case of suicide!

Listen to young Dr. Hartshorne during a televised interview.

The use of the words "classic" and "textbook" to describe Kurt Cobain's death was an embellishment and deliberate deception by this young, relatively inexperienced Doctor. How do we know this?

Just one of the many details which expose Hartshorne's unusual elaboration are revealed, as you will soon see and hear, as Seattle Police Department's own detective Mike Ciesynski says that he spoke with the King County Medical Examiner's office about the Cobain case. They told him, "They didn't think they'd ever seen an overdose with the amount of heroin that was found in Cobain's system."

There's much more to follow here on this "List," but that detail alone is enough to show that Kurt Cobain's death could not be be labeled as either "Classic" or "Textbook."

Then Hartshorne gives a three point list explaining his logic. Let's examine these three points closely:

1. "The fact that there was a suicide note left at the scene."
Once again, there's no evidence whatsoever that the note found at the scene of Kurt's death was a "suicide" note. Dr. Hartshorne apparently believes that if he says it's a "suicide note" then it is!

2. "The weapon is still at the scene."
This statement is completely preposterous. It demonstrates that Dr. Hartshorne was either deliberatley deceptive or he had no ability, whatsoever, to apply common sense and logic to the scene of a dead body. If, as many suspect, Kurt Cobain was murdered and the scene of his death was staged to look like a suicide, of course the weapon would still be at the scene. Why would the killer(s) take the shotgun away if they wanted this to look like a suicide?

Has there ever been a murder that was staged to look like a suicide, using a weapon of any type, where that weapon was not left at the scene? Of course not! That is not a legitimate talking point here. How does a medical doctor come up with such ridiculous comments?

Furthermore, how would the police ever be fooled into thinking a suicide was actually a murder if the weapon used was missing from the scene? How would a weapon be removed from the death scene UNLESS he or she had been murdered? So, of course the weapon was still at the scene just like any staged murder with a weapon, whether in the U.S. or anywhere else around the world.

It sounded authoritative to a gullible, uncaring media, but in reality, these were ludicrous, thoughtless statements made by Dr. Hartshorne. He must have assumed most people would just accept what he said because, after all, he was the doctor who performed the autopsy and signed Kurt's death certificate. Who would know better about Cobain's death than him?

The truth is, anyone who actually paid attention to his words would have seen through these extremely deceptive comments.

3. "The nature of the injury."
"This was a contact shotgun wound to the mouth that required the gun to be against the decedent's chest. And with this information it makes it a classic textbook example of suicide."

Let's hear that again last part again.

Our undercover phone call.
Before he did the above televised interview, we made a phone call to Dr. Hartshorne. Let's listen to what he told my undercover investigator.

Dr. Hartshorne Re: Sitting

There is no disagreement with any of the authorities that Kurt was sitting, or was positioned sitting up, on the floor of the greenhouse when the shotgun was discharged. But with this statement from Hartshorne describing the gun against Kurt's chest while sitting up, he carelessly describes an impossible death scenerio.

Let's see what that looks like.

This is the position Hartshorne so thoughtlessly described:
"Sitting" on the floor... "that required the gun to be
against the decedant's (Cobain's) chest."

So if Kurt allegedly shot himself while sitting on the floor, with the 45" long shotgun "against the decedent's [his] chest," as Hartshorne stated here, Kurt would have had to hold the shotgun in an upright position with the butt of the shotgun on the floor and the barrel pointing nearly straight up, as illustrated above.

In other words, with the position described by Hartshorne, there's no way that Kurt would have been able to get his mouth over the tip of the shotgun barrel while the shotgun was still against his chest.

Remember, Kurt was was only 5'7" to 5"9' tall, depending on your source of information.

If Hartshorne actually believed what he told the public in conjunction with what he told my undercover P.I., Kurt Cobain's death could not have been a "classic...textbook" case of suicide. It would have been an impossible case of suicide.

It certainly sounded as if Hartshorne knew what he was talking about in that televised interview, if no one paid attention to the details and didn't know any better.

Of course I don't believe Hartshorne intended to describe this illustrated scenario. I posted this here to illuminate his arrogant carelessness in the handling of his medical role during Kurt Cobain's death investigation.


Questions about the nature of Cobain's so called "suicide" note
reveal Dr. Hartshorne's cavalier attitude.


How can such a strange note, found at the scene of someone's death, be simply dismissed as "irrelevant"?

If the note was truly irrelevant, why was it even booked into evidence?

Of course it would not have been irrelevant... if they were truly investigating Kurt's death as a possible homicide like their SPD spokesperson told the television audience in 1997. Dr. Hartshorne, labeled that note as a "suicide" note even though it says nothing about suicide.

That "note" is more easily interpreted as a note to his fans explaining why he was quitting the "business" of creating music. Then, he adds the footnote - (if Kurt even wrote those last lines) - assuring Courtney that this would be a peaceful divorce but that he didn't want to be a bad influence on his baby girl, Frances.

I could easily argue that the latter is true based on my firsthand conversations with Kurt's own friends and personal Lawyer, Rosemary Carroll. The point I want to make clear is that no person, including Dr. Hartshorne, should have or could have automatically labeled that note as a "suicide" note.

Again, Hartshorne seems to believe that if he says it's a "suicide note" then it is. End of conversation.

"Hundreds and Thousands"

The question of Dr. Hartshorne's credibily arises again when he claims to have read "hundreds and thousands" of suicide notes. Considering about 50% or less of those who committ suicide don't even leave a note, the reading of even one thousand suicide notes, much less two thousand or more, ("hundreds and thousands") during this young doctor's career, sounds deliberately inflated.

So, let's get another take on this.

I had spoken with Dr. Cyril Wecht a couple of times on the phone over the years. But, as I mentioned earlier, a few years ago, while attending an event in Pittsburgh, I was seated next to Dr. Wecht and his lovely wife, Sigrid, who is also a medical Doctor.

The photo below was from my cellphone camera, along with a copy of the email Dr. Wecht later sent in reply to my thanking him for that memorable evening.

During the time we spent together, Dr. Wecht and his wife both seemed more fascinated by the Cobain case than anything else we could have talked about.

So, with such an opportune time to get his feedback, among other issues, I asked him whether it was possible for a medical examiner or coroner to have read over 2000 suicide notes, especially such a young pathologist in his 30's like Dr. Hartshorne.

"Impossible" was the response from Dr. Wecht.


The S.P.D. Spokesperson

In March of 2014, in anticipation of the 20th anniversary and the publicity it would bring to those who question their immediate conclusion of suicide, the Seattle Police Department made a pre-emptive strike by having their cold case detective, Mike Ciesynski, "review" the Cobain case and hold a televised press conference.

Many in the media, along with uninformed cobain fans, reported this was a "Reopening" of the Cobain case.

I'm sorry to say that it most certainly was not.

This was just another inept Seattle Police detective attempting to cover the tracks of his predessors by claiming to have "Reviewed" the Cobain case.

SPD Detective Mike Ciesynski said he had done a thorough examination of the original investigation by reading and reviewing all of the police, autopsy and toxicology reports in order to reach his recent conclusions.

Let's analyze what he had to say during this SPD sanctioned, televised interview.


What Are The Odds?
"I don't think they'd seen anybody with an overdose, in our county at least, that had that much of heroin inside of him."

Three details are noteworthey here:

A. He had an "extreme amount of heroin" in his blood..."

B. They'd "never seen anybody" with an overdose, in King County, "that had that much of heroin inside of him."

These combined statements, alone, obliterate any possibility that this was a "Classic... Textbook" case of suicide as Dr. Hartshorne so arrogantly described in his VH1 televised interview shown in Issue #8


The "Fatal" Dose
"I believe he gave himself a fataldose of black tar heroin."

This was not an accidental misstatement on Ciesynski's part. He repeats and reiterates his opinion in a number of statements here, after what can only be described as a very thorough review of the original investigation by claiming he read and reviewed all of the police, autopsy and toxicology reports in order to reach his conclusion.


"Heroin would have did the trick also."
"He killed himself because of the shotgun blast,
but the heroin would have did the trick [killed him] also."

(These are Detective Ciesynski's exact words,
not my poor use of English).

There seems to be no doubt in the mind of Seattle PD's official spokesperson, Detective Mike Ciesynki, that there was no way Kurt Cobain could have survived the high dose of heroin/morphine found in his system during the autopsy.

But that's really not the issue. The real issue is incapacitation.

Any truthful heroin addict will tell us that Kurt would have been almost immediatley incapacitated after such a large dose of heroin. He would not have been able to put the caps back on the two syringes and place them back in his cigar box kit, then maneuver that long shotgun barrel into his mouth while sitting on a the floor.

He would have been unconcious within a few seconds and even according to Detective Ciesynski, he would have died within minutes.


The "Final Authority"
"and actually, I'm the one who makes the decision, finally..."


Detective Ciesysnki talks about his decision not to release the graphic photos of Kurt Cobain taken at the scene of his death to the public.

I want to say here that I agree with the decision not to release graphic photos to the public. However, all photos should be open for review by additional outside experts and pathologists within the privacy of the Seattle homicide investigator's offices - without releasing copies of those photos.

"It wasn't gonna change my decision that this was a suicide..."

Of course not. In spite of the exceptionally rare medical evidence along with his observations of the death scene photos, his mind was already made up?

That's not a surprise here. The Seattle Police Department committed themselves to the "suicide" theory on the day Kurt's body was found.

"And actually, I'm the one who makes the decision finally, do we go forward or not."

Detective Ciesynski's final statement leaves no doubt about the authority he was given over Kurt Cobain's death investigation.


Detective Ciesynski writes a conflicting police report:

Ciesynski Report - Page 1

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 1, Point #1 -. This report lacks the common, "Date Written" insert. However, we can easily conclude that this report was written soon after the televised interview with Detective Ciesynski, because parts of this report contradict what he had previously stated on camera.

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 1, Point #2 - You'll notice that Detective Ciesynski writes, "I contacted and spoke with retired Detective Jim Yoshida, who was one of the original case detectives. The other original case detective, Detective Steve Kirkland, is unfortunately deceased."

But wait, there was a third "original case detective" assigned to the Cobain investigation. A simple reading of the publicly released police reports under the "Freedom Of Information Act," clearly indicates that Sgt. Donald Cameron was the lead detective on Kurt Cobain's death investigation!

So why did Detective Ciesynski fail to mention Sgt. Cameron in this report and why did he use the term, "the other detective..." (implying that there were only two), when he knew full well there was a third?

This was no accidental mistake by Detective Ciesynski. He deliberately excluded the name of the Sgt. Cameron, the supervising Sergeant who was was in charge of Kurt Cobain's death investigation, because he had since retired when he learned he was about to be fired by by the 1994 Chief Of Police, Norm Stamper, for on-the-job corruption.

"Yeah, let's just leave Cameron's name out of this report?"

Ciesynski Report - Page 2

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 2, Point #3 - The first underlined sentence in this report reads: "The blood test results indicate morphine level, 1.52 mg/L (milligrams per Liter)."

So in response to the skeptics over the years who have questioned my firm claim about the heroin [morphine] blood levels in Cobain system, you now have an official Seattle police report that verifies what I wrote over 28 years ago.

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 2, Point #4 -
Here you'll see the underlined sentences on page 2 of this report reads: "Dr. Harrufff advised that there was a large amount of morphine, (heroin), and that tolerance is extremely important when evaluating opiate levels. With tolerant individuals, very high levels can be achieved far more than a non-tolerant person."

Did you notice how Detective Ciesysnki suddenly contradicted his earlier televised statements that Kurt Cobain's heroin dosage was "Fatal" and that the Medical Examiner's office had never even seen such a high dose of heroin in an overdose in their county?

So what happened after that televised interview with Detective Ciesysnki? Was he ordered by one of his superiors to walk-back his opinion and bring it in line with the "official Seattle police version" touted publicly for the past 28+ years?

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 2, Point #5 - "...I noticed that the Remington 20 gauge shotgun was lying on victim's chest with the receiver facing up. I also observed a spent yellow shell casing lying on a coat at the right side of the photo." (This would be on the left side of Cobain's body, but the right side of the photo Detective Ciesynski was describing.)

Now here's where page #2 of this report goes beyond strange: "I was aware that for the spent casing to have landed to the victims left, the weapon would have had to been turned 180 degrees from what it was found. It appeared evident to what had happened when the weapon was fired, but I requested assistance from SPD Range Armorer Curt Wilson."

Detective Ciesysnski continues; "I showed Officer Wilson a photo of victim holding the weapon, but I did not identify the victim. Officer Wilson stated that the fired round would have ejected in the direction where it was found and the second round probably malfunctioned due to victim holding the barrel, which prevented free movement of the barrel. The weapon probably pivoted when fired, and fell to the present position. Held in this manner, the fired round would have ejected to where it was depicted in the photo."

Ciesynski Report - Page 3

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 3. - Here, finally is the unbiased conclusion reached by Detective Ciesynski as he said he would not release all of the crime scene photos of Kurt's face, (I agree with with that decision), but then he openly admits, "It wasn't going to change my opinion."

So it's no surprise here that this report, obviously written by Detective Ciesynski, was simply a continuation in the cover-up of an extremely botched investigation by the original detectives sent to the scene of Cobain's death.

Ciesynski Report - Page 4

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 4. - Note: The last two pages of Detective Ciesynski's police report on his review of Kurt Cobain's death investigation have now been made public. This appears to be the fourth page of what was a form police report. I believe these two pages were not made available at first because the general public may have misunderstood these last two pages due to some of the standard template wording.

For example; "There is probable cause to believe the SUSPECT committed the crime of CRIME." Although the wording there appears to be somewhat strange, I think it's just part of this form and probably should be interpreted more accurately by the public as, "There is probable cause to believe the VICTIM [Kurt Cobain] committed the ACT of SUICDE."

Even though the first page of this report indicates it was submitted by Detective Ciesynski, I find it interesting that we see no signature on the line given for Detective Ciesynski to sign the report.

It was obvious that the Seattle Police Department needed to do some serious damage control after Detective Ciesynski's televised interview. Many of his publicized statements had never been acknowledged by the Seattle Police Department or the King County Medical Examiner's office during the past 20+ years since Cobain's death

Ciesynski Report - Page 5

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 5. - Note: This appears to be the fifth page of this police report form. Although it reads - "Investigation" - the report is blank from that point on. This simply indicates to me that this report form can also be used for the purpose of reporting other crimes and incidents.

I see nothing noteworthy here. It was only included because it was part of the public documents release included with the pages added above.


I have my personal opinion about how and when Kurt Cobain died, along with a short list of those who I believe were involved in causing his death.

As the private investigator embedded in this case before Cobain died as well as having direct involvement for seven months following his death, no one else has witnessed the events and heard the discussions that I have witnessed and heard. So I do have a right to my personal opinion.

However, I've never asked anyone to agree with me about the cause of Cobain's death, even though on the surface, there appears to be much more evidence indicating homicide rather than suicide.

I'm simply asking everyone with an ounce of common sense, to please review this case closely, and with an open mind, considering all of the material posted above.

I believe it proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the investigation into Cobain's death was first botched, then covered-up by the Seattle authorities.

Without realizing it, the Seattle police Department exposed more of the real truth behind the 1994 investigation into Cobain's death than I'm sure they intended to reveal with this SPD sanctioned televised interview.

They also dug a hole far too deep for the Seattle authorities to climb back out.

Therefore, the findings in the death of Kurt Cobain
must be changed from

E-mail Tom:
Individual questions cannot be answered
through e-mail, but comments are always
read and appreciated.

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