August 26, 2024 THE "WITNESS"
By Tom Grant
This is where I will be posting my analysis and response to the recent activity surrounding the "The Witness," otherwise known as Joe Burns.
I may add short comments from time to time in preparation to my overall summary of the information provided online about Mr. Burns and what he says he saw and heard.
As of today, I have remained uninvolved in this matter and will remain so until I have enough information to reach my opinions and conclusions regarding this particular issue as it pertains to the Cobain case.
Please stay tuned.
After learning new information about Joe Burns last night, I have edited the first comment.
I'm examining Joe's WORDS and the value his WORDS have or don't have in any legal relationship with the investigation into Kurt Cobain's true cause of death. Of course, I'm also examining the foundation of his story and the backgrounds of those who may have manipulated Joe at one time or another. At this time I'm not going to include anyone using by their real name in any Facebook Group. I may do that in the near future if they continue down that dark trail of decception while dragging sincere Cobain fans along with them
Since my name was so easily inserted by Michelle throughout the Beall interview, I want to be clear that I have never endorsed, or approved of the use of my name in association with the Joe Burns so-called "Witness statement" or any alleged additional stories connected to it. Many of the people associated with this purported "breakthrough" have proven themselves to be unsavory and untrustworthy as nearly all the admins of that website are fully aware of.
I'll have a more detailed response after this all plays out and slides back into the can of worms it came out of.
That is where I draw my line between the so-called act of "judging others" and what I will openly refer to as "condemning" someone for their hateful belief system.
But the ladies of WKK don't seem to care!
Joe Burns deliberately displays the Nazi Swastika on his cashapp icon. This is the app he uses to receive donations from naive Cobain fans while he seems to have no problem with the murder of millions of other human beings.
Here are some of the comments that immediately followed the posting of Joes donation records. I removed the poster's names for their privacy, but they were publicly available yesterday and may still be.
"Yes, we're sickened by it as well. From everything we've heard about him, he wasn't like that."
Are you kidding me? The key word there is "wasn't"!
He is now and now is when you're promoting him as your, so-called, witness!
I know most won't believe this, but I wish these young ladies would make a complete fool out of me and take this all out of my hands. My family and everyone who knows me well, understands and believes that. I've been saying it since late 1994.
Sadly, this is one of the sleaziest things I've had to deal with in a very long time.
September 22, 2024
One of many more to come, this is a MUST SEE video from an exclusive insider.
October 3, 2024 COMMENT #4
The ladies of the WKK website claim they've received legal advice along the way.
I would love to know the name and credentials of their so-called "legal advisor(s)." No one with any type of law degree would give credence to this fiasco, much less advise these women to handle it the way they have.
Attorneys are never shy about having their names released, in fact they'd have no reason to tell someone not to release their names, unless they know they're giving out bad advice.
So I challenge those of the WKK website who claim to have received legal advice to name their "legal advisor(s)." That's not an unreasonable request, is it?
October 12, 2024
I've been getting a lot of weird emails and messages from a very delusional Matthew Richer. He seems to be deflecting, knowing I have documented proof that he committed fraud several years ago. Today, among other things, he wrote the following:
"So, one thing is that he [meaning me, Tom Grant] slept with an underage girl. Which, I feel sick at the thought of And then I guess he was bragging on the set of SIB about how many women he's slept with over the years. Like wtf? Someone who's friends with Statler told me that. Believe me, I'm the least of your worries."
Do you folks understand what "hearsay" is and why it's so irrelevant?
OK Richer, I guess I have to confess. I did sleep with a fifteen-year-old girl. We were in High School. I was fifteen too. A few years later she got pregnant with my daughter and I married her.
In the 70s, after my divorce, I'm ashamed of the lifestyle I lived. Lots of women. Nothing to be proud of, and whenever I speak about that time of my life, I don't "brag" about it. I never thought it was right. I even told my wonderful father what I was doing and told him I don't like the lifestyle I was leading but the temptation, especially while being a young cop in my early 20s, was overwhelming for me.
He said he'd pray for me. That's my dad.
Never did drugs. Barely drank any alcohol. Never slept with anyone under 18 after my first girlfriend and later wife. Never had handcuffs on except in the Sheriff's academy during training exercises.
So, shoot your best shot anyone out there. Then let's get back to business!
Oh, woe is me! Joe Burns fingered me from a line up as being present when Kurt was killed.
That's the first time, (or not), someone has accused me of being hired by Courtney to Kill her husband!
Pretty darn ingenious of these highly experienced investigators to finally, after all these years, join with thousands of other sick people who figured out it was me!
In fact, one of them even claims he owns the trademark, "Who Killed Kurt."
Dean Summers, you know absolutely nothing about Trademark laws. Do some research before you blow your hot air at hundreds of people who have been writing that phrase, "Who Killed Kurt" for years, including many in the print and television media.
I'll be waiting for your lawsuit.
October 3, 2024 COMMENT #7
Eyewitness Credibility
One of the best eyewitness stories ever told
Rollover with a Trapped Driver
I was there!
October 11, 2024
2:05 PM
It was a quiet, peaceful afternoon on my daughter and son-in law's ranch in Central California. I was sitting at my computer table in the living room when we heard an extra loud banging ground noise, similar to what you hear in the city on trash pickup days. I remember being startled on those days, then quickly realizing all I was hearing was the bashing sound of the mechanical arm placing, [dropping] the container back to the ground.
Well, this was not a trash truck. It was something else but we didn't know what. We walked up the embankment on our west side of the road where we observed an overturned pick-up truck, lying flat on its top, upside down and a four-wheel off-road SUV sitting upright next to the overturned truck.
Someone was faintly screaming for help. My granddaughter, Vicky, who has become one of my best friends in life and will graduate as a registered nurse in 2 months, rushed over and laid on the ground next to the passenger window which was exposed more than the driver's window. She noticed there was only one person in the overturned truck. It was a middle-aged woman. She was completely trapped. She couldn't move and one hand was stuck. She felt like she was being crushed. This poor woman was in a full-on panic attack and could not have been more scared.

Vicky took one of her hands and comforted her. She told the woman rescue was on its way while assuring her she would be OK. Then Vicky got up and ran to the house to get first aid supplies knowing rescue was at least 15 to 20 minutes away from our remote location.
When Vicky left, her husband, Bill, laid down right where his wife had been and began to comfort the trapped woman. Bill works for emergency services so he has experience in dealing with situations like this. I stood next to Bill where I could hear what was going on. Bill also held one of the lady's hands and was doing an excellent job at keeping her as calm as possible while waiting for rescue.
The fire department with their rescue equipment arrived in due time while the rescue helicopter circled overhead looking for a good place to land. The firemen did an excellent job of extracting the distressed woman from her wrecked pickup truck. Then off to the helicopter which had landed in a field just down the road and from there to the hospital where she soon recovered with minor injuries.
So tonight, just short of one week from the event, I was visiting my granddaughter Vicky and my son-in-law Bill, when the above-described incident became the topic of conversation.
Bill casually mentioned, "The woman's hand was stuck between the steering wheel and the crushed in top of the truck. I held her free hand."
Vicky immediately argued, "No it wasn't Bill. Her hand was stuck on the ground being crushed by the top of the truck above the open window. I held her free hand too!"
A mature, happily married couple and the loving parents of two daughters, the oldest just turned 16. Both well-educated and gainfully employed. Both saw the same thing, from the exact same vantage point, laying on the ground, holding the victim's one free hand while evaluating her situation and giving her comfort.
But each person saw two different things and neither could be persuaded to change their mind. Both Vicky and Bill continued to argue as if their spouse was a complete idiot! A husband-and-wife dispute that proved a valid point that I'm making with this "#7 comment."
Put five people together who witnessed any particular event, and I guarantee you will have five different points of view. I know because I've been there so many times, over and over as a cop and as a private investigator.
Once I had 13 legitimate, upstanding citizens file complaints against me for an arrest I made in West Hollywood, while I was on patrol in the area. A man who was creating a disturbance and threatening people. After some turmoil, I arrested him.
The lieutenant in charge took 13 written complaints, one from each person.
Later, the lieutenant told me, in general terms, some of the details of the complaints filed. They included elements like; I approached the suspect who was standing on the street corner and hit him over the head with my baton, (otherwise known as a “night stick” that cops used to carry in the 70s).
The closest thing to “using my baton that night happened when I had the man already on the ground and my baton slid out of its circular, non-binding metal holder and rolled lose on the ground. I grabbed it and handed it to my partner. That was the only time I even touched my baton during this incident.
Another witness claimed I approached the suspect with my gun drawn and when he tried to grab it, I knocked him to the ground where we began fighting over the gun. The more accurate part of that statement was that as I was trying to handcuff the suspect while we were on the ground, I felt a tug at my gun belt, looked down and saw the suspect pulling on the grip on my gun, trying to pull it out of its snap locked holster. Back then, those holsters unsnapped fairly easy, so I may have come within seconds of losing my life.
I grabbed the gun just in time and handed it up to my worthless partner, a reserve deputy who was walking in cirles around us while we were on the ground, pointing his gun at the suspect I was attempting to arrest. He should have jumped in to help control the suspect before he had a chance to grab at my gun. In any case, that was the first time I ever touched my gun, from the beginning of this incident to the end.
13 eyewitness stories from reputable people. Not one was accurate... accept the suspect I arrested! Here's what he told my lieutenant.
First, he agreed with the description of his arrest as written in my report. He said he was a Vietnam vet. He had a metal plate attached to his skull under the skin from a very bad injury he suffered during the Vietnam war. He also had PTSD. He apologized for his actions that night and said "Sometimes I just get crazy." Then he added, "Tell that deputy he did a good job. He's a really good fighter!"
Seriously, that is an accurate account of that arrest.
So, to any doubters, do yourself a favor: Ask any trial attorney.
The least reliable category of evidence, in a criminal or civil court of law is... EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY.
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